Monday, March 1, 2010

Indeed, Change is Gut.

i must admit that i am one of those helpless romantics that actually believes in the idea that true love can be found within the face and eyes of a stranger only after a few moments (minutes, a few days) of first finding out that they exist in the world.

..... and only after a few moments from this first hello, from this first introduction, does one come to realize that, Life has forever changed and the path that now lies before You is a path, which before, was a completely unrealized and unimaginable destination.

You weren't looking for them....
you weren't planning on finding them....
You weren't, anything.
You were just, finally and maybe for the first time in your life, really just doing your own thing- finally doing what it was meant for you to be doing- and of course, as they say, "when you are not looking, then [and only then] will you find the person that will forever change the details of your life."

I regret nothing.
Manhattan was supposed to be.
It had to be... and now I understand all of it.
Not that, makes any of it less, painful, but,
I regret nothing.

And maybe that is the best thing that I could come to say from all that came to be...
that, and that fact that,

when I wasn't looking,
I found the one thing that I would have never, on my own, went looking for again.


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