Sunday, December 27, 2009

YES WE CAN to getting this 2009 year over!! 2010 baby: it's the new red.

In Vegas, the view from one of the hotel rooms I stayed in. Maybe the Palms Place since it is the last night to light the last candle. What a great holiday. Best in years. = )

chamesh things to be thankful for:

for my mother.
for bella! <3 the little puppy who owns my heart
for sarah and michelle. my brightest starrrrs*
for this amazing city! how i love new orleans. go saints!
for art and its ability to communicate and translate what words cannot. yes, it is such a great one to be thankful for i must end with it again.

= )

i have returned to this fair city of mine, New Orleans. what a babe she is. = )
this past year i have been in here the whole time. no trips overseas for me. which is really something, for me, to be proud of. i have lived in various parts of west texas, on 5th ave on the upper east side (!!!) in manhattan for the spring/summer months, made my return to Seattle-Oly area for the first time in years, and finally moved back to the city whose grip on my heart has remained since my last visit in 2006. This is Home. as silly as that can sound to someone reading this who doesn't really know about the details of my story involving new orleans, it is a true statement. new york city could never be home. as much as i would want it to be, that city of gliz and glam and utter heartbreak (at times) could never be my Home. maybe in short intervals and in passing, but it has too much of a cold shoulder and its eye on money for my taste.
This recent visit to L.A. (mainly Santa Monica and Venice Beach) made me want to give that place another try. As long as I never, never, never went to the L.A. area and only stayed in my little area of beaches and Santa Monica streets.

That is me, on my apt roof, in NYC this past Spring/Summer. The day I left.

I would like to get a boat. Thanks to Shannon, an idea always floating around my head that never before seemed like a possibility may indeed be my close reality: a boat owner! = ) but that is another post for another time. Hopefully not to far away from now.....

This is me, flipping the bird to downtown L.A. while I sit in my car idle on the interstate due to traffic. I hate you, L.A. Damn you city.

So, L.A.
I hate you. I really do. You are the only place that is able to turn me into a green eyed asshole. I can't stand the person I become trying to "keep up" when I am in that city. It is a different type of "keep up" play than it is in NYC. But I don't like that game either. To find some really amazing people within 100 miles of that area really made my fuckin' day. So yes, I may move out to Santa Monica/Venice Beach one day. One day. Maybe by that day, I can live in my boat. = )

In Santa Monica Main Street this is what catches your eye the most. = )

I am here till March. Cause you know me, being in this country for too long makes me nervous. So I booked a flight. hehe. I was going to go there anyways. The plan, BEFORE my car accident-mind you, was that I was going to go on a five month trip to South America then do a mini trip of Europe (to catch a few festivals and 'cause it is world cup time again!!! gotta visit europe during those special times yall!) before heading to Israel again.

Well, since I decided it was best to just save my money on the trip to South America (-cause I just spent a boatload on my new Pruis.... and it is stupid to just buy and new car and leave it sitting somewhere for a year! Um, silly!). But I can't just not go and do what I was going to do anyways, forever. Just cause I have a new car doesn't mean anything. So I will leave her parked for a few months this upcoming spring while I head back overseas! So excited to get my ass back over there. And this time, for the right reasons. Not for silly girlish-love reasons. Nope.

You only have one first trip to Israel. Luckily, I can go back and forth... but I'll never have that first trip again. Le Sigh. I don't plan on wasting my time there again. And plus it NOT BEING WINTER and cold and rainy, I think I have a great chance of some good luck this time around. It will be spring after all. = )

Taken from the Dead Sea area, Israel, Decemeber 2008 trip.

I am so excited to do what I plan to do there. More about that later. And I am pretty sure my little Bella is going to make the trek with me!!!! = ) So excited about that!

I hope to catch the La Tomatina Festival again in Bunol, Spain. Hopefully I can meet Sabrina there. = )

Bella!!! i adore this little one. <3

For now, I just plan to be. To Be in thei city with my little pup. Live and live well.
I am still volunteering with Habitat. I love those people. They are GOOOOOOD SHIT. = )
And with a few of those others. Plus I am going to try and get with some new organizations since I am here in town longer. And! Connect with the Jewish Community and hopefully start building my relationship with them and a local shul. = )

2010 is going to amazing. Yes, bad. Cause that is always gonna rear it's ugly head. But as long as you keep in mind that it just has to occur to have balance, all is well.

What an ending to this year! What a beginning to 2009 too. Gosh, what a surviver this year has made me. In all honesty, 2009 was hell. The end of 2008 was utter hell. Living in Manhattan was great, but it rained everyday. And that was the complete and utter perfect landscape for my mind's state this past spring. It took a year, a complete year, to forgive and forget that pain and heartbreak. I still get sad. from time to time. It still makes me not trust people anymore with my heart. It still scares me to death that it will happen again. That it is the only thing that can happen: utter failure and heartbreak. But...

you get up.
you dust yourself off.
you try and open your heart again...
because living with out your heart isn't a Life at all.
i did that for almost a year and it is a wonder that i am still around to see that i was, in fact, able to pick myself up from it all.

I sound dramatic, but I saw the depths of the lowest of low- within myself. I became a person I wasn't at all proud to be and become. Luckily, I've found my way back. And the sunshine was more than welcoming- to embrace me once again. = )

No more downpours for me, please.
I can't take another heartbreak like that.

Love is love is love.... and you can't keep the best thing about a Human Being lock up just because of the fear to be hurt again. I know that more than ever now. (I have that phrase, "more than ever." It errks me.)

It is all an ebb and flow. A game. A choice. You make choices and you live with what you picked. Sometimes it is groovy. Others, not so much.

Maybe this time I learned my lesson.

I hope.



Saturday, December 5, 2009

i must say,

life is good. uber gut. = )

that above is my little [new] baby Bella. Lady Isabella Francesca Jr. = ) or just Bella. or Belle, after Belle from Beauty and the Beast. I loooove her so much!

yeah, there are parts where things are so "gut"... but you just.... realize that in the bigger picture, those elements MEAN NOTHING. hehe.
and i am thankful. beyond thankful.

viva las vegas!!!!! = )

Thursday, September 3, 2009

i am so, happy!

...another great movie and more fluttering butterflies!

chamesh things to be thankful for:

for my mother.
for those softer moments of life that sneak up on you and make you realize how lucky you really are. you just had to open your eyes wide enough to see beyond, whatever was blocking or blurring your vision.
for my friends. those ones that have stuck around.
for my little cutie pups. i love them. they made my morning.
for art and its ability to communicate and translate what words cannot.

= )

life is lovely.
life is in full bloom, again.

oh! and because i can:
shesh, MATISYAHU!!!!!!!!
"I Will Be Light"
Sit back
And in these days
Remember my ways
Oh will i get out of my cage?
Yes i am a slave

Searching for some freedom
Searching for some freedom

So intend to sing them
Songs to spark, memories
What is a man with no history?
Where am i ?
Who am i ?
What is this place?,
We're just spinning in space

I will be light
I will be light
I will be light
I will be light

Time will continue without you
So in the end
Its not about you
What did you do?
Who do you love besides you
Beside you, many died in the name of vanity
Many die,in their mind’s eye, for justice
We die for you
And still do
So i say to you
This is nothing new

I will be light
I will be light
I will be light
I will be light

Its/In one tiny moment in time
For life to shine, to shine
Burn away the darkness

You’ve got one tiny moment in time
x7 For life to shine, to shine
To burn away the darkness

I will be light
I will be light
I will be light
I will be light light light light
I will be light
I will be light light light light


= )

Sunday, August 30, 2009

This was taken a year ago in Spain. This place, the place that this photo is taken, happens to be my favorite place in the world. It isn't glitz. It isn't glam. But I like it just fine that way.

I just watched, Walk On Water. It really touched my heart and made me realize that these thoughts and feelings bloomin' within my head and heart are truthful to the path I am walking. Stumbles, many, but one dusts oneself (however slowly it takes to wipe the dust, well, that time must occur) off and sets along again.

I feel it, inside me. A soft, but growing, Hopeful feeling that can only be described as if i were a little girl again, dancing about without a rhyme or reason. It comes and goes, but it is there. And it is growing. And there is Hope. And I like that.

Happiness isn't anything beyond yourself. You are the common element here. And thus responsibility must occur and be taken into account.

....the film really made me want to make things happen, as I have started to mold and shape the next year's details and possibilities, and give faith that these things are the right choices.

I sent my passport in. To get a second one. Because I have Israeli stamps in my current one. And I thought I might go to Syria before making my way back to the Holy Land. Those are all minor details. The main focus is that I mailed it in. I made a choice to fill out the papers and did all the requirements and made the calls. And mailed it. I think that is important. I think that in simple action lies my whole future details.

...and I find that rather, exciting.

Huzzah, cheers.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

it takes a lifetime, only begin to understand how to Live it.

Who can muster the courage to write poetry?

The last poem I composed carved deep into my soul.
It won't be easy to produce one for a long time.
It has almost been a year already.
Sad and wasteful, these passing moments.

...."sometimes fate throws two lovers together only to tear them apart...."

Sometimes it is best to know they don't exist. Life is easier that way.
I wasn't lying about the "love of my life" part.
And,... I'd give anything if it weren't true.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


By Sarah.

I wandered
with soul thirsting
and heart bursting...
for a city to build my home.

I wandered
through a desert filled...
with mirages
wells that were empty
a chatter and clicking of mouths
dry and swollen...
Where is this city?
I want to build my home.

I wandered
tired and discouraged
eyes red with tears and despair
feet broken and swollen
a heart heavy with yearning
I walked through pages of faith and God
and yet where is the city?
I want to build my home.

I wandered restless
without the comfort of home and nest
empty and without hope.
My soul from a cavern place
cried out...
for the city to build my home.

God in mercy and love
led my to Jerusalem
took me from my wanderings
in the desert of my own emptiness
and gently placed me
in the city
a place that was always my home.